from director Wes Cravenrachel
McAdams Killian Murphy redeye welcome back to the seventh annual Halloween
special today we're gonna be talking about a film that you might not normally
attribute with the Halloween holiday some might not even call this a horror
movie on paper it's certainly an action thriller but I'm going to talk about
why redeye is a movie that I don't mind watching around the October season I
saw the movie back in 2005 in theaters I still have my movie ticket for that I have
most of my tickets saved all the way back to 2001 it's a pretty big scrapbook
it stars Rachel McAdams and Killian Murphy who meet together at an airport
because their flight is delayed and they seemed to hit it off like maybe they
could even be in a relationship together they talked for a while at a bar
before going their separate ways until she discovers that they're actually
seated right next to each other once the plane takes off everything seems to be
going smoothly until he asks her to make a phone call a very specific phone
call you to see as it turns out he's got a guy outside of her dad's house who's
going to kill her father unless she uses her position of power at a hotel to
switch a politician to a different room because in that room it'll be a lot
easier to kill him so why do I enjoy watching redeye around Halloween well for
one this special has never been about Halloween the holiday movies if that was
all I ever talked about I'd run out of movies really quick it just has to be a
scary film a tense film and redeye is certainly that but this movie secret the weapon is the fact that it was directed by Wes Craven one of the Masters of
Horror the man who directed Hills Have Eyes a Nightmare on Elm Street scream if
any other director had made this it probably would have felt like a
straightforward thriller and it could have been good but with Wes Craven behind
the camera this is a horror movie
the first act of the film feels almost like a romantic comedy this couple that meet at this Airport and they actually seem to get along really well they have great chemistry he charms her but they go their separate ways because you can tell that she's just not ready for that and so watching the movie I know what's going to happen I know that he's gonna turn on her and he's going to be the villain but because of these two actors and they're great chemistry I actually feel kind of bad like I was like oh you know they would actually be really good together it sucks that he's kind of a psychopath and there's a hint to that early on inline where he tries to shut down this asshole who's ruining everybody's day please don't make her do that she's doing the best she can I don't think I was talking to you no I realized that listen I'm just trying to get um she's the only one standing between us getting out of her eat all and told her, yeah but she's not the one exhausted she's worth 18 hours straight and she suspects we all hate her just as much as you do so what do you say we give her a break let her get back to a job I'm guessing there's a lot more thankless than yours this airline sucks that shot of his blue eyes is so quick but it's so important for his character because you know right then in there oh god that guy's gonna fucking do something shit and the second act of the film is this tensed cat-and-mouse game on this airplane and what makes it so fun is that Rachel McAdams is very smart and clever as a hero, she makes choices that at the moment you're like good that was good it also doesn't give you a lot of time to refresh I was actually talking about this with a writer friend of mine that sometimes in thrillers they give the hero something to do like every ten minutes but in red-eye, it seems like it's every few minutes she's dealing with another complication but what makes the movie special is that Killian Murphy is just as smart as she is and he's able to see through all of her attempts to get out of something and the writers employed a technique that
I'm not even sure if they knew they were doing this but it is brilliant oftentimes with a thriller especially one that takes place in a contained period of time you need your characters to not do certain things otherwise the movie's gonna end if the wrong person notices that this intense conversation is happening on this plane the movie is no longer as interesting so that's hard from a writing perspective and you can fall into a lot of plot holes and there are some in this movie but the reason it works for me is that they decided to give the main villain of the movie the same problem the writers had while approaching this I'm assuming how do we keep this girl here without making anyone else notices that this guy is trying to force her to allow them to commit this act the villain has the same problem he's got to make sure that nobody sees anything he's got to make sure the phone always works he's got to make sure that she's in the right place at the right time so the writer's problems with this screenplay are the villain's problems it's a fucking brilliant way of solving that issue you make your villain more interesting that way too because now he's doing probably what I'm assuming the writers did when they were at page one how do we make this work that's ingenious now I do have some issues with the movie and a lot of it has to do with some unnecessary humor the movie gets rather cutesy at times really weird that it does - there's over-exaggerated acting sometimes like there's this couple early on that is so horrible to this clerk and have aback-and-forth and it becomes a bit of a little subplot with this clerk and I just I don't find it necessary to the film at all but at 85 minutes it's already pretty short so you can't cut too much else out or like when Rachel McAdams is walking onto the plane and this one guy sees her and thinks she's really gorgeous and so he's got to make himself look as handsome as possible little moments like that are just completely unnecessary and they feel exaggerated and larger-than-life whereas a lot of the movie feels more tense and a little more realistic even though it does ask you to accept certainly things in the hopes that you'll be invested in this thriller are stealing exploding
I got chunks of plaster all over me I could get happy moments like that really doesn't work for me and they actually make the film a lot less tense then it could be but the third act as soon as she is free and she's running around and he's following her and they're trapped in this house and he's got a knife this is a fucking slasher movie Wes Craven uses all of his tricks now and so like I said on paper it's an action thriller but tome redeye has always been a horror thriller as a late-period Wes Craven movie redeye is one of my favorites of his I don't think it's great I just think it's a really fun thriller I'm gonna give redeye of being guys thank you so much as always for watching but I do want to tell you about something pretty cool a buddy of mine named Robin Bloch recently executive produced a documentary called in search of darkness it's all about 1980s horror which I love and I know a lot of you do too this is a really epic and sprawling documentary and I was actually really inspired by how he did it because he kick-started it and he got some really good numbers doing it actually made me think a little bit about things and how I might achieve some of the films of my dreams making wise because kick-starting to I was always kind of a negative but the way they did it was really really smart I would highly recommend checking out this documentary it's very entertaining I hope you guys enjoy it look forward to more reviews very soon I got a lot coming for you guys in the seventh annual Halloween special thanks as always for reading, if you like this you can comment write here and get stuck mine eyes
the first act of the film feels almost like a romantic comedy this couple that meet at this Airport and they actually seem to get along really well they have great chemistry he charms her but they go their separate ways because you can tell that she's just not ready for that and so watching the movie I know what's going to happen I know that he's gonna turn on her and he's going to be the villain but because of these two actors and they're great chemistry I actually feel kind of bad like I was like oh you know they would actually be really good together it sucks that he's kind of a psychopath and there's a hint to that early on inline where he tries to shut down this asshole who's ruining everybody's day please don't make her do that she's doing the best she can I don't think I was talking to you no I realized that listen I'm just trying to get um she's the only one standing between us getting out of her eat all and told her, yeah but she's not the one exhausted she's worth 18 hours straight and she suspects we all hate her just as much as you do so what do you say we give her a break let her get back to a job I'm guessing there's a lot more thankless than yours this airline sucks that shot of his blue eyes is so quick but it's so important for his character because you know right then in there oh god that guy's gonna fucking do something shit and the second act of the film is this tensed cat-and-mouse game on this airplane and what makes it so fun is that Rachel McAdams is very smart and clever as a hero, she makes choices that at the moment you're like good that was good it also doesn't give you a lot of time to refresh I was actually talking about this with a writer friend of mine that sometimes in thrillers they give the hero something to do like every ten minutes but in red-eye, it seems like it's every few minutes she's dealing with another complication but what makes the movie special is that Killian Murphy is just as smart as she is and he's able to see through all of her attempts to get out of something and the writers employed a technique that
I'm not even sure if they knew they were doing this but it is brilliant oftentimes with a thriller especially one that takes place in a contained period of time you need your characters to not do certain things otherwise the movie's gonna end if the wrong person notices that this intense conversation is happening on this plane the movie is no longer as interesting so that's hard from a writing perspective and you can fall into a lot of plot holes and there are some in this movie but the reason it works for me is that they decided to give the main villain of the movie the same problem the writers had while approaching this I'm assuming how do we keep this girl here without making anyone else notices that this guy is trying to force her to allow them to commit this act the villain has the same problem he's got to make sure that nobody sees anything he's got to make sure the phone always works he's got to make sure that she's in the right place at the right time so the writer's problems with this screenplay are the villain's problems it's a fucking brilliant way of solving that issue you make your villain more interesting that way too because now he's doing probably what I'm assuming the writers did when they were at page one how do we make this work that's ingenious now I do have some issues with the movie and a lot of it has to do with some unnecessary humor the movie gets rather cutesy at times really weird that it does - there's over-exaggerated acting sometimes like there's this couple early on that is so horrible to this clerk and have aback-and-forth and it becomes a bit of a little subplot with this clerk and I just I don't find it necessary to the film at all but at 85 minutes it's already pretty short so you can't cut too much else out or like when Rachel McAdams is walking onto the plane and this one guy sees her and thinks she's really gorgeous and so he's got to make himself look as handsome as possible little moments like that are just completely unnecessary and they feel exaggerated and larger-than-life whereas a lot of the movie feels more tense and a little more realistic even though it does ask you to accept certainly things in the hopes that you'll be invested in this thriller are stealing exploding
I got chunks of plaster all over me I could get happy moments like that really doesn't work for me and they actually make the film a lot less tense then it could be but the third act as soon as she is free and she's running around and he's following her and they're trapped in this house and he's got a knife this is a fucking slasher movie Wes Craven uses all of his tricks now and so like I said on paper it's an action thriller but tome redeye has always been a horror thriller as a late-period Wes Craven movie redeye is one of my favorites of his I don't think it's great I just think it's a really fun thriller I'm gonna give redeye of being guys thank you so much as always for watching but I do want to tell you about something pretty cool a buddy of mine named Robin Bloch recently executive produced a documentary called in search of darkness it's all about 1980s horror which I love and I know a lot of you do too this is a really epic and sprawling documentary and I was actually really inspired by how he did it because he kick-started it and he got some really good numbers doing it actually made me think a little bit about things and how I might achieve some of the films of my dreams making wise because kick-starting to I was always kind of a negative but the way they did it was really really smart I would highly recommend checking out this documentary it's very entertaining I hope you guys enjoy it look forward to more reviews very soon I got a lot coming for you guys in the seventh annual Halloween special thanks as always for reading, if you like this you can comment write here and get stuck mine eyes