Dark Netflix Series Season 2 Review

what is up to Netflix fans and Welcome back to my blog Movies Web today we are talking dark season 2 I have had so many requests and I just want to thank everybody before we get started for recommending dark season1 to me because it's something that I just I missed when it first came out quite a while ago and I went back over the last few weeks and re-watch well watched it for the first time and my goodness guys thank you I was completely blown away I never would have watched and reviewed season 2 without you guys wanted me to watch season 1 so seriously I appreciate it today we're talking season 2 not gonna dive too deep in to spoilers because it's very early it just dropped this morning and let's talk about dark season 2 and yeah dark season 1 is one of the more interesting things I've ever seen on Netflix I heard stranger things comparisons multiple times over the last few years but going and watching season1 finally I did not see too much of stranger things it's a very different show and I understand the comparisons because they are there and they could be made if they had to be but this is its own standalone time-travel II multiple storylines balancing show with deep characters and it's a very ambitious show it's a show that you have to be paying attention to all along the way because it's going to leave you having to think about certain things that happen to have to think about okay what time period are we in now which storyline are we following is this the character that is older than this character which is the same version of that there's a lot to think about with this show and it's a lot you have to sit back try your best to dissect and understand that this show is feeding us all of these different things and

 I love that because the balance is there and the execution is not sloppy it poses complex questions about free will the religious undertones in this show which I noticed even more in season two are there and if you're thinking about everything happening on-screen and you try to draw comparisons to outside forces, you will absolutely find those and as it digs deep into the layers of the story and it continues and it steams along you start to realize that it's brilliantly executed because this could easily get over convoluted this show could be way too much and I've seen multiple Netflix shows this year that try to give us all of these plot lines and all these story elements but they fall flat because of how it's just not as well-executed as it could have been right but dark never suffers from that as confused as I was at times and me will not lie the reason why I didn't get this review out even earlier is because I had to pause it and think about some things and realize it and stop like making toast in the corner and come back and start paying attention and realize that this show does everything for a reason it's grounded in the emotion of the characters it never feels overly convoluted because of the balance and dark is one of the best balances I have ever seen of all of these different genres and all of these different plot lines right it's a story that takes place in multiple time periods that's the case in season one they're not gonna get more complicated are they oh yes season 2 adds even more time period so we start out in season 2and this entire town of Wenden is incomplete despair because of the disappearances of everyone from the end of season 1 and some disappearances that you did not get to see right there are six people missing including Jonas who we know is now in 2050 3 you have a character stuck in The 1950s but here's the thing season 2 actually picks up in the summer of 2020 so time is passing there are no answers and people in the town there's looking further into a state of helplessness, you have characters in the caves trying to find answers you have the character of Hannah who is completely desperate because of the loss of her son and you get that emotional impact in the first episode and you a san audience member you're trying to figure out as our characters are what does it all mean who is behind this

 who started this series of events now we have some answers from season 1 but we're trying to figure out all of these complicated story points and as things start to come together and they do as we progress through season 2 one thing I did like about season 2 that I did not think I was going to is the fact that we only have 8 episodes right I want more of this show absolutely I love that we got 10 episodes in season 1 but I feel like they told the story that they needed to tell in season 2 and they didn't push it all we have to do two more episodes to fill our obligation they're like no we only need eight episodes of this season that's what's going to tell this particular story and they did start to answer questions now I would say our main character in this season there are multiple of course but Jonas gets a lot of screen time and he is one of the more interesting stories especially where he left off and season1 and then picks back up in season 2 and without going into full spoilers The be versions of his the character I'll say that much is so interesting and dynamic and there are moments in this series where they are showing all of the different versions of certain characters at once and they're playing music in the background a lot of the times series will fall flat when they do this because it comes off as a bit cheesy and other playing the emotional music they're trying to get my heart beating really fast and connecting to these characters and you just you find yourself connecting because as they are wanting answers you are wanting answers as they start to uncover things about this sequence of events in all of these different time periods you start to uncover them as an audience and it is fascinating I have honestly never seen a show balance the things that this show balances in a great way and I keep repeating myself and I know I do that very often in my reviews but the writing of this show is just brilliant I don't know how they have so many storylines happening and it's not convoluted it is blowing my mind and the difference between season 2 and season 1 

I think the narrative is still there the interest in the characters is still there the stakes through the stakes are higher because you have the looming threat of the apocalypse underscoring this entire narrative and we are literally counting down the days until a certain event is supposed to happen and it up to the characters to solve this it's up to them to try to figure out why did this happen in the first place what happened to cause this event how are all of these different things happening at once and it is fascinating it's something I have to sit back and think about a bit more because I'm still slightly confused on certain turns and moments with the characters I'm like what did that mean to the larger story because there are a few moments here where we spend a bit too much time with characters and maybe some of the conversations could have been cut down a little bit once again eight episodes it's an absolute breeze to get through it you're locked into the story if you're not locked into the story and you don't really care about what's happening first of all why are you watching season two and it also adds to the urgency of the series because there's literally a ticking clock and you're just counting down alright guys we have to hurry this up because we don't have much time and every second Jonas is in the future he's not in the past or in the present trying to prevent this from happening in the first place why did this happen what caused it and we start to see that we start to get answers this is not a series or a season of television that is going to leave you hanging now at the end many story points are going to be left on the edge and they leave it open absolutely for a season three but we start to get answers in this season and I was so happy for that and I was just enthralled along the way clearly, I love dark season 2 once again guys thank you so much for your recommendations, I would have never watched the show without you and it is one of the best seasons of television 

I have watched all year on Netflix guys, it was entertaining it was enthralling it's a bit convoluted and complicated and it's going to take a certain mindset to sit back and soak everything in a lot of plot lines a lot of time periods but it is compelling because it just it grounds all of these characters and it presents time-travel in such a way that we've never really seen it before and it feels more possible in this show than it does in other shows or movies it handles it so well yes the nonlinear nature can get at ad bit confusing at times when you're trying to untangle this web of events but it's compelling and it's also one giant mystery right you're trying to uncover all of these events now Netflix, as far as I know, they have planned for a season 3 but I have also that's the final season three cycles three seasons now that's kind of sad because I want to see way more of this show than just one more season but I like the fact that it feels like the filmmakers know what the ending is they're not going to prolong this they're not gonna drag it out like certain other shows do right they have an ending in mind and we get that set up in season two and guys I had such a great time with this German Netflix series as always you guys can do subbing or dubbing I did the subbing just because I feel like the performances area bit authentic in that way but whatever makes you happy whatever gets you through the entire series I'm giving season two of dark and 88% just as good as the first season the consistency of this the show is incredible and it is absolutely enthralling guys if you have not watched dark season one get on that watch dark season to come back and let me know in the comments what did you think of this series have you watched it all the way through so far and are you anticipating a season three thank you guys so much for reading this

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